Aug 2024: Victoria (UConn) won the first place in the Mines NSF-REU poster session. She was mentored by Cheng-Wei Lee and Thi Nguyen. Congratulations, mentee and mentors!
Aug 2024: The team in historic downtown Golden to celebrate Victoria’s NSF-REU poster award
June 2024: Prashun visited Tohoku University (Japan) to give a talk and to meet representatives of the UPWARDS program
June 2024: Michael defended his PhD thesis. We are excited about the wonderful work he will doing as a postdoc! Best wishes, Michael
June 2024: Group picnic to mark the start of the summer. Audrey continues to make special guest appearances.
May 2024: Welcoming Victoria Bradford (NSF REU student from UConn) with a visit to Kestrel, located at NREL.
April 2024: The team met for a group dinner featuring international cuisine. We also had special guest appearances!
Feb 2024: We visited Broadcom’s state-of-the-art fabrication facility in Fort Collins
Feb 2024: We visited Kestrel, the next-gen supercomputer located in ESIF at NREL. Kestrel is one of the most energy-efficient supercomputers in the world
Dec 2022: Prashun visited collaborators in NTU (above) and NUS, Singapore